Weekly Scorpio Horoscope

Scorpio Horoscope

2/3/2025 - 2/9/2025

Just like adding some spices in any vegetable makes it tasty, similarly, even a little bit of sadness at times plays a very important role in incurring positivity in our lives. Because without any misery in life, perhaps we will not be able to enjoy the real price of happiness. So in times of despair, try to keep yourself as healthy as possible this week by being calm. Due to Jupiter being placed in the seventh house with respect to the moon sign, this week, the married people will get financial support from their in-laws and this will help them overcome all the financial troubles. In such a situation, you are suggested to take your time before investing this money, otherwise, troubles might take place. This week, your family responsibilities will increase, which will give you mental stress. In such a situation, instead of constantly thinking about unfavorable situations and anticipating them, keep trying to prepare yourself for them. Businessmen of this sign may have to face problems due to some unsolicited advice of a close friend. So while taking any decision, be careful while avoiding blindly trusting anyone. All the earlier problems in education will get solved this week. With this, you will attain a good place in your field of education as well as get good results from it. Your mind will feel inclined towards education. Seeing this, your family members will also feel proud of you. However, at this time keep a distance from all those people who can waste your time on useless things. Remedy: Chant “Om Mandaya Namaha” daily 11 times.