Pisces October Horoscope

Pisces Horoscope

Health: In terms of your health, this month will be full of ups and downs as your sign’s ruler, Jupiter, will be placed in the third house from the beginning till the end of this month. However, Rahu will be positioned in the first house of your sign, which can make you careless, and due to this carelessness, you may become prone to health issues. Meanwhile, retrograde Saturn will be in your twelfth house during the month, which could be a cause of health problems. Additionally, there is a possibility of injury to your legs or a sprain in your foot. Moreover, eye-related issues may trouble you. In the latter half of the month, the Sun and Mercury will also enter your eighth house, requiring you to pay more attention to health issues. If any problem arises, consult a doctor immediately and try to address your health concerns promptly. This will contribute to an improvement in your overall well-being.

Career: From a career perspective, this month is likely to be average as the ruler of the tenth house, Jupiter will remain in your third house throughout the month and will also be retrograde from October 9th. In this situation, it is advisable to treat your colleagues well, as they will assist you during Jupiter's retrograde period, enhancing your performance in the workplace. Mars will be in the fourth house at the beginning of the month, casting its glance on the tenth house, making you actively involved in your work. Meanwhile, the ruler of the sixth house, the Sun, will be in the seventh house at the beginning of the month and later in the eighth house, helping you overcome challenging situations related to your job. Consequently, you will work hard, and your consistent efforts will lead to continuous improvement in your performance, ensuring a good position at work. Those engaged in business may face some uncertainties. At the beginning of the month, Rahu will be in the first house, and the Sun, Mercury, and Ketu will be in the seventh house, with the added aspect of Mars and Jupiter. Due to this, making decisions regarding business may not be favorable during this period. Therefore, it is advisable to postpone any major decisions and seek the advice of experts to progress in your business. Then, from October 10th, Mercury will enter the eighth house, and from October 17th, the Sun will also enter this house. Additionally, Venus in the eighth house, will move to the ninth house on October 13th. Moreover, from October 20th, Mars will also enter Cancer in your fifth house. These planetary movements may bring some changes to the situation, but caution is still required this month. Avoid taking significant risks and consider postponing major decisions; this precaution could lead to success in establishing your grip on the business in the coming months.

Love/Marriage/Personal Relations: If you are in a romantic relationship, the beginning of the month will be reasonably good. You will be quite serious about your beloved and will make efforts beyond limits to nurture your love life. These efforts will be successful many times, but sometimes they may disappoint you, so stay grounded. Clearly communicate everything to your partner so that no misunderstandings arise between both of you. If you are married, you may face some challenges. The influence of seven planets on the seventh house can make married life difficult. In this situation, you need to work with a lot of patience and observe your spouse's behavior. If you notice any changes in them, have a calm discussion with them and make them aware of the issues. This way, both of you can easily overcome any challenges; otherwise, the situation might lead to family distress and disputes. Despite this, the movement of Mercury and the Sun to the eighth house in the latter half of the month can reduce some of these problems. However, you still need to be cautious and attentive to these issues.

Advice: Chant the Beej Mantra of your sign's ruler, Devguru Brihaspati, a specific number of times every day. Offer four bananas to Lord Hanuman on Tuesdays. Recite the Shri Bajrang Baan daily. Feeding fish will also be beneficial for you.

General: This month is expected to be moderately favorable for Pisces individuals. Financial challenges may cause some distress as expenditures could go beyond control. Health conditions may fluctuate, so it's important to pay attention to your well-being. In terms of career, the situation will remain stable. Treating your colleagues well will strengthen your position at work. Those involved in business may face some ambiguous situations, and seeking advice from experts in certain matters will be beneficial for the success of the business. The month is positive for romantic relationships, and you will make efforts to bring your love life to the desired level. However, marital relationships may experience ups and downs. For students, the time is favorable, but increasing your focus could be a challenge. Family life is likely to remain satisfactory.

Finance: If we look at your financial situation, expenses this month may exceed the necessary limit. Throughout the month, retrograde Saturn will be positioned in the twelfth house, causing continuous expenditures for you. In addition to this, the Sun and Mercury, in the latter half of the month, and Venus in the first half of the month, will be placed in your eighth house, increasing your expenses. All these situations will present themselves as financial challenges, regardless of whether your income is decent. However, excessive spending may cause you concern, so it's better to start cutting down on your expenses from the beginning of the month. Utilize your income wisely so that you can maximize your benefits and use it when necessary. It would be advisable to avoid any financial risks in business.

Family & Friends: This month, there is a likelihood of maintaining a decent family life. The lord of the second house, Mars, will be positioned in your fourth house at the beginning of the month, and the aspect of retrograde Saturn will be in your second house throughout the month. As a result, you need to pay attention to your speech and avoid topics that may disrupt family peace. If there is tension in the family regarding any matter, instead of intervening too much, silently assess the situation and make an effort to resolve it. Mercury, the lord of the fourth house, will be in your seventh house with the Sun and Ketu at the beginning of the month and will move to your eighth house on October 10th. In this situation, disputes related to property matters may increase. Additionally, your mother may face health issues, so you need to focus on her health as well. Efforts to maintain family peace will also be crucial during this time. Your relationship with your siblings will remain good, and the mutual love and affection between both of you will strengthen, providing you with the courage to move forward.