Pisces January Horoscope

Pisces Horoscope

Health: The January monthly Horoscope 2025, indicates that your health may not be up to the mark as Jupiter occupies the third house. Jupiter as the first house lord placed in the third house may make you face immunity problems and enthusiasm. You may succumb to throat infections. The presence of Rahu in the first and Ketu in the seventh house may add woes to your health in the form of digestion-related problems. Due to this, you may need to take food on time at night. Saturn's presence in the twelfth house with Sade sati running may give you pain in your legs, thighs, etc. Sometimes you may have a loss of sleep. Sun as the sixth house lord present in the eleventh house from January 24, 2025, during this month, may add relief for you and may keep you in good condition.

Career: The January monthly Horoscope 2025 says that the presence of the career planet Saturn in the twelfth house may be giving moderate results this month. So Saturn may pose you with job pressure and challenges in work due to its presence in the twelfth house. You may be facing more disappointments during this month with respect to your career as you may not secure the expected benefits and satisfaction. If you are doing business then you may be facing the situation of Loss at a huge rate as there may be chances for more pressure from your competitors. Your competitors may be banking on new business dealings, but you may be a little backward. Due to this, a huge loss may be possible. The presence of nodal planets Rahu in the first and Ketu in the seventh house may increase problems for your prosperity in your relationship, career, and finances. Sun as the sixth house lord placed in the eleventh house from January 14, 2025, may give prosperity and benefits in your career. You may also witness new job chances.

Love/Marriage/Personal Relations: The January monthly Horoscope 2025 denotes that there may not be many fruitful results with love and Married life as Jupiter is placed in the third house with respect to the moon sign. Due to this, there may be a lack of charm in love for you with your beloved. Your love life and married life, if you are married may be a question mark for you during this month as good harmony may not be possible. Venus the planet for love and married life occupies the first house in a strong position and due to this, you may face good results in love and married life after January 28, 2025.

Advice: Recite “Om Hanumate Namaha” daily 108 times. Perform Pooja for Rahu/Ketu on Tuesdays. Chant “Om Gurave Namaha” daily 21 times.

General: During this month January 2025, the position of major planets Rahu is not favorable and Jupiter is placed in the third house, Saturn continues to be placed in the twelfth house as the eleventh and twelfth house lord and is said to be unfavorable, Ketu is placed in the seventh house and is said to be unfavorable. Saturn placed in the twelfth house signals the spell of the first and two-half years of Sade Sati for the year 2025. The career planet Saturn happens to be unfavorable for you during this month and due to this, there may be chances for more work pressure that you may be facing. The position of Saturn may test your patience and intelligence with respect to your career. You may be forced to change jobs for better progress and performance during this month. The presence of nodes– Rahu in the first house and Ketu in the seventh house may create more insecure feelings for you and this may make you feel worried. Jupiter as the first house lord placed in the third house may lessen money benefits and even if you earn, you may not be able to maintain it. The propensity for you to save money may be missing during this month. Read the January monthly Horoscope 2025 in detail to know how this month of January will be for your life and how you will get results in the fields of family, career, health, love, etc.

Finance: The financial horoscope for January 2024 indicates that the money flow may not be smooth for you during this period as Jupiter occupies the third house. Due to this, you may face an increase in expenses and moderate scope to save money despite the money that you are earning. Your money may get drained increasingly during this month and this may be causing you worries. Mars as the second house lord occupies the fourth house in retrograde movement from January 21, 2025, and may reduce your capacity to earn more and to save. Saturn’s presence in the twelfth house may cause you to lose heavy money unexpectedly and this may cause worries. The scope for savings with the money that you earn may not be easily possible. The presence of Rahu in the first house may make you face unwanted expenses.

Family & Friends: The January monthly Horoscope 2025, denotes that there may be less happiness in your family and a good relationship with your family members as Jupiter is placed in the third house during this month. Jupiter placed in the third house may give you lapses of communication and more arguments that you may be facing with your family members. You may need to adopt an adjusting attitude so that you may be able to maintain more good values and this may ensure bonding. Saturn in the twelfth house and the presence of Rahu in the first and Ketu in the seventh house may lessen harmony in the family. Due to the above presence, you may not be able to see good results in family life.